- Read page "Learning to Kiteboard Simplified"
- Read Kitesurfing Mags: The Kiteboarder KiteWorld
- Watch kitesurfing DVDs: Progression
- Check out online forums and blogs: Kite Forum
- Wakeboarding is a good sport for learning board skills, also snowboarding: Wake Island
- Physical Training, yoga, etc.
- Take our 1 or 2 hour trainer course: Beginners Sneak Peak Class
- Rent our trainer kite and practice what you have learned :
- Visualize, before bed each night visualize yourself suceeding in kiteboarding
- If possible go to beach and watch kiteboarders
- Then sign up for one of our regular classes, you will be way ahead: Aqua Sports Maui Kiteboarding Lessons, Aqua Sports Maui Kiteboarding Lessons Beginners Classes
To see more: Aqua Sports Maui Kiteboarding Lessons