Here is a little free sneak preview of the 1st 1/2 hour of a kiteboarding lesson, check this out to get a head start on your lesson
Trainer Kite Session 20-30 min
How not to turn a kite:
First of all to learn to kiteboard you have to unlearn some embedded reflexes.
- How we all instinctively turn things is not the way to turn a kite, usually we will instinctively try to turn a kite like the steering wheel of a car
- Another instinctive move to avoid is to pull the kite to the left or the right with both hands
- Something else we tend to do instinctively is pull the bar in with both hands.
How to turn a kite:
- A kite moves by pulling on one line of the kite by means of the bar.
- To make a kite turn to the left you pull the left side of the bar closer to your body and at the same time push the right side of the bar toward the kite.Opposite to make the kite go right. the arms are always moving in opposing directions, one hand pulling one hand pushing.
- Another trick to master is how subtle you have to be in your movements. It is really common at first to over steer the kite with too big a movement. So kiteboarding is an extreme sport, yes, but the trick is mastery of the subtleties.
Next: Where to position the kite:
Wind Window
What is the wind window?
Simplified, the wind window is the area of the sky where the kite is able to fly. It helps to first think of it as the face of a clock where 9 is on the land or water on your left 12 is straight over your head and 3 on the land or water on your right.
The kiter positions himself with his back to the wind, the area behind is called upwind, the area in front is called downwind.
To kite to the right you hold your kite on the right , to kite to the left you hold your kite on the left. The closer to 2:00 on the right and 10:00 on the left you hold your kite, the more efficient it will be. So to get the most power out of your kite if you are traveling to the right you would aim to hold your kite at 2:00, to slow down you would slowly raise the kite to 1:00, to stop bring the kite slowly to 12:00. The same going left, most powered is 10:00 less powered 11:00, stop 12.
I emphasize slowly here, because, for example, if you had your kite at 2:00 and were to suddenly bring your kite to 12:00, that is actually how you get a jump, which is something I don't recommend at this stage.
For now ,you will be flying your trainer kite without being "hooked in", (later you will be hooked in by means of a loop and harness). You must first learn safety quick release functions before hooking in.There will be a thorough explanation on this later) For now, practice with the trainer kite without being hooked in. We do recommend adding a leash line to your trainer kite if one is not provided. This strap attaches to your wrist and prevents the kite from flying away too far in the event you need to release it from your grip.
It is very important before you set up your trainer kite to assess the area you are planning to practice in.
First a BIG OPEN SPACE with no obstacles down wind or on either side of you.
Moderate wind, don't try to practice when the wind is above 25 mph, even in moderate winds a trainer kite could potentially pick you up and toss you into the air or towards objects that could hurt you , it is advisable to have a friend securely holding on to you as you launch your kite. Also if as soon as you feel a tug on the kite that could pull you over immediately release the bar. Once you have released your bar the kite will harmlessly fall to the ground.
Never launch the kite from directly downwind , always launch from the edge of the wind window, ie.. 9:00 or 3:00
No power lines!!!!! Never kite near power lines!!!!! If your kite does blow into a power line DO NOT touch any part of it ,call 911.
For your first launches, sit down with your back to the wind and the kite positioned downwind of you. Have your assistant bring the kite to the edge of the wind widow and create tension in the lines by walking away from you . When you are ready have your assistant release the kite.
Try to slowly bring the kite to 12:00 and balance it there with small movements Try to keep your arms relaxed and hands close to the center of the bar at first, this will minimize over turning the kite.
Once you feel comfortable hovering the kite at 12, try taking the kite to 2:00 and hover there for awhile, remember to move slowly between positions. You are working on control and finesse. Then slowly back to 12, then over to 10:00. Continue practicing until you fell comfortable moving the kite thru all the positions on the clock from 10:00 to 2:00.
If you want a substantial head start check out this DVD: Progression for Beginners