Save Money on Kiteboarding Lessons

  1. Read  page "Learning to Kiteboard Simplified"
  2. Read Kitesurfing Mags: The Kiteboarder   KiteWorld
  3. Watch kitesurfing DVDs: Progression
  4. Check out online forums and blogs: Kite Forum
  5. Wakeboarding is a good sport for learning board skills, also snowboarding: Wake Island
  6. Physical Training, yoga, etc.
  7. Take our 1 or 2 hour trainer course: Beginners Sneak Peak Class
  8. Rent our trainer kite and practice what you have learned : 
  9. Visualize, before bed each night visualize yourself suceeding in kiteboarding
  10. If possible go to beach and watch kiteboarders
  11. Then sign up for one of our regular classes, you will be way ahead: Aqua Sports Maui Kiteboarding LessonsAqua Sports Maui Kiteboarding Lessons Beginners Classes